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Eagle River, Wisconsin


“Camp Nicolet was a place where I found peace, affection and respect. where equality always existed and where I learned the true meaning of family. Forever the best experience in the world.” – Camp Nicolet International Staff Member

“The fact that you are able to slow these girls down, detach them from their electronics, and show them all that Nicolet has to offer is amazing to me and very lucky for them. You have not only kept the very special legacy of Nicolet going, but you have added to and changed camp in such a way that you have kept it relevant to this next generation. Thank you for that.” – Camp Nicolet Parent/Alumna

“Nicolet means making new friends, trying new things.  It means water skiing, having fun and learning something new everyday. Nicolet makes me feel at a home away from home. Everyone at Nicolet is really kind and gets along. It’s really fun. Everyone there feels like family.” – Camp Nicolet Camper

“As a preteen who struggled to find her place in school— I absolutely flourished at camp and was forever changed. Camp Nicolet helped me discover who I was and how powerful one girl could become.” – Camp Nicolet Alumna

“My 9 years at Camp Nicolet are some of the highlights of my life.  I think of my time on Lake Franklin, laughing, singing, learning new skills, and making lifelong friends. The memories are a source of pure joy and happiness buffering the inevitable challenges of life!” – Camp Nicolet Alumna

“Every time the name Camp Nicolet comes into my mind, it brings me nothing but happiness. Camp is a place that transformed me and the kids I worked with, in such a positive and life changing way. Nicolet is a place that has left a forever mark on my heart, and will always bring a smile to my face. Thank you for everything.” – Nicolet Staff Member

“Camp Nicolet has been a family tradition since 1950. It is always special reminiscing – and looking forward to summer experiences for our grandchild.” – Camp Nicolet Alumna

“Camp Nicolet is a tremendous gift, not just for our daughter, but for our whole family. It’s always nice to remind our daughter that her favorite time of year is the one month she doesn’t have a phone in her hands. Camp is a huge part of who our daughter is – for that we are thankful.” – Camp Parent

“One day, I will return to gather Nicolet up into my arms. One does not forget, ever, being so very lucky to have grown up with such a friend as Nicolet. I treasure it always.”

– Alumni

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