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Eagle River, Wisconsin


“Camp means more to me that you will ever know. My best friends/sisters are the most important people in my life. I am forever grateful to you for providing me (and my mom!) with nine wonderful summers. I would not be who I am today without Nicolet.”

– Alumni

“One day, I will return to gather Nicolet up into my arms. One does not forget, ever, being so very lucky to have grown up with such a friend as Nicolet. I treasure it always.”

– Alumni

“Everyone was so kind and attentive. I enjoyed getting the letters and seeing the excitement in our daughters handwriting. She survived without her phone! We have camp as a reference now, as we remind her of how much she accomplished without devices or streaming media”

– Parent of Camper

“Cannot begin to thank you enough for giving my daughter a chance to have the most amazing summer of her young life. she thoroughly enjoyed her time at camp, made so many nice friends, and had so many wonderful experiences (including the backpacking trip along Lake Superior) that she can’t stop talking about it.”

– Parent of a Camper

” Our daughter would not be the strong, confident person she is today without the experiences she had at Camp Nicolet. Thank you a thousand times over!”

– Camp Parent

“Thank you, thank you! My daughter had the most amazing time at Camp Nicolet this summer. She came off the bus with a big smile on her face and many memories to share with us as we drove her home. Her counselors were terrific and the nurse is great! She is more confident than ever before. She made friends that will last her a life time. She wants to go back to Nicolet next summer for 8 weeks!”

– Camp Parent/Alumna

“Camp is where you can learn who you are and always be yourself. Whether you are  silly, introverted, loud, musical, sporty, goofy or quiet,–you are accepted and appreciated for who you are and who you want to be.” – Camp Nicolet Alumna

“My wonderful parents have given me many gifts in my life, but I am most thankful for the gift of camp which I now share with my daughter. Nicolet taught me the meaning of trying new things, hard work, and gave me my most treasured lifelong friendships.” – Camp Nicolet Parent/Alumna

“Having moved around quite a bit in my life, Camp Nicolet has always felt like my one true home. The lifelong friendships and bonds of sisterhood are ones that neither time nor distance have diminished.” – Camp Nicolet Alumna

“Because of camp, I have been able to meet so many different people with all different backgrounds. Camp is just a magical place where girls from all over come to be girls, and I can honestly say there has not been a day at camp out of all my years that I did not feel like I had best friends who really cared for me.” – Camp Nicolet Camper

“Nicolet means making new friends, trying new things.  It means water skiing, having fun and learning something new everyday. Nicolet makes me feel at a home away from home. Everyone at Nicolet is really kind and gets along. It’s really fun. Everyone there feels like family.” – Camp Nicolet Camper

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