Request information about Camp Nicolet!
Eagle River, Wisconsin

All-Camp Activities

Special Camp Activities

Special camp activities may include a Counselor Hunt, Nicolet’s Amazing Race, Carnival Day, Marathon Day (traditional to Camp Nicolet), and – when they’re happening in the rest of the world – the Nicolet Olympics once every four summers. Older campers can transition to leadership positions, as helping with special activities is a great way to do so.


Sundays are very special days at Camp Nicolet. The regular weekday schedule goes away. We wake up a little later for brunch and have a hunger-stomping Sunday dinner at 12:30. Each weekend includes a themed special camp activity which takes place in the afternoon. What can happen is anyone’s guess! Follow this up with an All-Camp-Dip (ACD) and a downright delicious BBQ supper, and there’s no better way to begin a new week at camp.




4th of July

Fourth of July is an exciting celebration of our national holiday. Skits, field games, a BBQ supper, barn dance, and evening fireworks round out this special time. Special activities are an awesome time at camp. It’s really fun to dress up in costume, be creative, give it your all, and have fun with your friends.

“Nicolet means making new friends, trying new things.  It means water skiing, having fun and learning something new everyday. Nicolet makes me feel at a home away from home. Everyone at Nicolet is really kind and gets along. It’s really fun. Everyone there feels like family.” – Camp Nicolet Camper

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