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Eagle River, Wisconsin

Camp History

The 1920s

  • 1927 – Carrie “Shorty” Fournier establishes Fournier’s Camp, a bass fishing resort, on the north shore of Franklin Lake
  • 1927 – Deerpath, iconic to Camp Nicolet, is constructed

The 1940s

  • Georgianna Schrader Starz, second-generation to-be Owner & Director is born
  • 1944 – Founders Ann & Wendall Schrader purchase and establish Camp Nicolet for Girls
  • 1945 – Camp Nicolet opens for its first summer
  • 1948 – Forest Lodge is constructed

The 1950s & 60s

  • Mark a significant period of growth and development for Camp Nicolet
  • The Schrader family, with assistance from dedicated Staff, establish many of Nicolet’s present programs & traditions
  • Many structures and cabins we know today are constructed
  • Camp Nicolet is the first camp in the North Woods to offer Water Skiing – early 1950s
  • The Canadian Canoe trip becomes a Camping/Tripping (now Northpoint Adventures) tradition
  • Marathon Day is begun by Program Director Barb “Bog” Hollmann in the mid-1960s

The 1970s

  • Third-generation to-be Owner & Director Jeremy Starz is born
  • 1971 – Camp Nicolet for Girls, Inc. is established as a registered Wisconsin Corporation
  • 1971 – Ann & Wendall Schrader retire as first-generation Owners & Directors
  • 1972 – Georgianna Schrader Starz and Jeff Starz assume day-to-day camp operations
  • 1972 – The Swiss Challenge program is offered to Senior Campers (1972 only)
  • 1975 – Georgi and Jeff build their permanent home at Camp Nicolet

The 1980s & 90s

  • Third-generation to-be Owner & Northpoint Adventures founder Christopher Starz is born
  • 1985 – Georgianna Schrader Starz assumes full Directorship of Camp Nicolet for Girls
  • 1987 – Heart Friends becomes a tradition at Camp Nicolet
  • 1991 – Hosting programs in addition to traditional resident camp, Camp Nicolet for Girls, Inc. becomes Camp Nicolet, Inc.
  • 1996 – Camp Nicolet hosts a post-season one-week resident camp for the Woodson YMCA of Wausau, WI (through 2009)
  • The 90s mark a period of growth in camp programming, with consistent three, four, and seven-week sessions

The 2000s

  • 2002 – Christopher and Jeremy Starz rejoin Georgianna Schrader Starz as colleagues at Camp Nicolet, Inc.
  • 2002 – The Camp Nicolet Foundation is established in honor of founders Ann & Wendall Schrader
  • 2002 – The first Isle Royale Backpacking trip takes place, with a full trip of seven Campers & three Staff
  • 2004 – Christopher Starz establishes the Northpoint Wakeboard & Water Ski School.  The Mobius is purchased.
  • 2006 – Christopher Starz passes as a result of an automobile accident in Wyoming
  • 2006 – The Christopher Starz Leadership Memorial Fund is established in his honor and memory
  • 2006 – The Canadian Canoe trip returns as the Voyageurs Wilderness Canoe trip
  • 2009 – Northpoint Adventures is established and begins operating in memory of Christopher Starz
  • 2009 – Pictured Rocks Backpacking departs, as the first-ever Northpoint Adventures trip
  • 2009 – Chickadee Lodge is constructed, replacing Deerpath, for Leadership Program campers

The 2010s

  • 2010 – Camp Nicolet returns to an eight-week resident camp summer, with various session options
  • 2011 – Cookie Cup I – a new all-Camper versus all-Staff soccer game is played in early August
  • 2014 – The first Rocky Mountain Backpacking trip with Northpoint Adventures departs in mid-July
  • 2017 – The one-week Northpoint Wakeboard & Water Ski Camp begins annual operation (through 2022)
  • 2019 – Camp Nicolet celebrates its 75th Anniversary

The 2020s

  • 2020 – Due to the pandemic, camp operates only Family Camp, Ski Camp, and Rocky Mountain Backpacking
  • 2020 – Jeremy Starz assumes Director of Operations & Finance responsibilities
  • 2021 – Mid-pandemic, Camp Nicolet reopens for one six-week resident camp program & Family Camp
  • 2022 – Camp Nicolet maintains a six-week resident camp program with two sessions, Ski Camp, & Family Camp
  • 2022 – Georgianna Schrader Starz assumes Director Emeritus and Social Media Coordinator responsibilities
  • 2022 – Jeremy Starz assumes full Owner & Director responsibilities in November
  • 2023 – Camp Nicolet returns to a seven-week resident camp program with various sessions & Family Camp
  • 2024 – Camp Nicolet celebrates its 80th Anniversary with special events and an Alumni Reunion in August

Camp Nicolet is family-owned and operated for eight decades.  The Schrader & Starz families are grateful for the continued support of and the amazing working relationships with camp families, Campers, Staff, and Alumni.  Thank you for helping make camp the wonderful place it is today!

“Camp means more to me that you will ever know. My best friends/sisters are the most important people in my life. I am forever grateful to you for providing me (and my mom!) with nine wonderful summers. I would not be who I am today without Nicolet.”

– Alumni

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