Request information about Camp Nicolet!
Eagle River, Wisconsin

Frequently Asked Questions

staff FAQs

Q: Where is Camp Nicolet?

Camp Nicolet is located outside of Eagle River, Wisconsin within the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. Eagle River is approximately seven hours north of Chicago, Illinois.  Airport pick-up is available from Rhinelander-Oneida County airport (RHI), Central Wisconsin Airport (CWA), and Iron Mountain airport (IMT).

Q: How many campers are there?

Camp has a capacity of 95 campers per session. East End campers range in age from 7-10 and West End campers are ages of 11-14.  Senior, or Leadership Program, Campers are ages 15-17.

Q: Where do campers come from?

Just like Staff, campers join Nicolet from across the US and Internationally.  International Campers travel from Mexico, Germany, France, & Russia to attend.  You never know who you’re going to meet at camp – and from where!

Q: Who will I be working with?

Staff also come from all over the world. While most of our staff live stateside, approximately 25% come to us internationally from places like Ireland, Hungary, New Zealand, Australia, and more. Our team ranges in age from 18 to over 70.  Everyone has a passion for working with children, and by the end of the summer you’ll feel like you’ve found a second family in our Staff Team!

Q: What is cabin life like?

Our camper cabins house 8-12 campers and 2-3 counselors each. They are fully equipped with bunkbeds, dressers/drawers, a table and chairs, a fireplace, a screened-in porch, and a bathroom with sink, toilet, and running cold water.

Counselors live in a room separate from the main “bunk room” by a curtain or small door.  Showers are taken in our nearby shower house facility.

More about Cabin Life »

Q: Do we have a camp uniform?

The Staff Uniform consists of a forest green Staff Uniform shirt – the design of which changes from summer to summer!  It’s yours to keep as a memento of a great season in the North Woods, and your accomplishments as a Staff member.

You’ll also need to bring tan shorts, pants, or a skirt – to wear along with white tennis shoes or sneakers (like Converse, Vans, Adidas, or similar).

Each Spring season, during pre-summer communication, Staff can be involved in a design contest for the uniform shirt for that season.  You might win a gift card or other great prize you can use on your time off!

Q: Do those working on the water have a required uniform?

Any Camp Nicolet Staff member working in a water-related activity is asked to wear predominantly red at all times while on duty.  Water-related activities at camp include: Water Skiing & Wakeboarding, Swimming, Smallcraft (canoeing, kayaking, stand-up-paddling, and windsurfing), and select Wilderness Trips.

Our Leadership Team can help you locate a red swimsuit, appropriate to camp, if you’re having difficulty finding one to purchase.

Waterfront Staff shall also bring their own whistle.

Q: If I am teaching riding, do I need to bring my own boots and helmet?

Yes.  Please bring your own approved Riding helmet and boots with a heel for riding, and for barn work.  For grubbier jobs, Nicolet has “muck boots” you can borrow.  Please bring your own, preferred boots for riding horses, however.

Q: Do we have to order clothing from Lands’ End?

Nope!  There is nothing you need to order from Lands End clothing company.

Q: What should I pack?

At time of hire, and through the course of the Winter season, employees are provided with lots of resources and information about the forthcoming summer.  You are sent (via e-mail) a Staff Packing List, helpful when getting ready for camp.

However, the link below takes you to the Camper Packing List and webpage, which provides a basic understanding of what to bring.

View the Packing List »

Q: Are there laundry facilities on site, or do we do our laundry on time off in town?

Camp Nicolet provides use, free of charge, of washers and dryers on-site.  Staff are asked to provide their own laundry detergent and dryer sheets, however.

A perk of the job is you may also send your clothes to the commercial laundry once per week, when Camper laundry is sent to town.  You’ll have clean clothes back within 24 hours!  Hooray!

Q: Can I bring my car to camp?

Absolutely! We encourage you to bring your car to camp for use on time off.  When at camp, all vehicles shall remain in the Parking Lot – located on the “back road” of camp.

For those without vehicles, Camp Nicolet provides daily van transportation to and from Eagle River for those with scheduled time off.  Sign up for a seat in the van on the rideshare board in the camp office.

Q: Do we get personal time while at camp?

For every six days worked, a Staff member receives a full 24-hour period off.  This time can be spent in or out of camp, however we recommend to take full advantage of time off that Staff leave the camp property for at least a portion of that time.

See above about personal cars and provided van transportation on time off.

In addition to the full 24-hour period, Staff members also receive personal time in the evenings from 10pm (or from when cabins go to bed) to Midnight.  This personal time may be spent in or out of camp.  Evening van transportation to/from Eagle River is provided, as long as a reservation is made on the rideshare board in the camp office.

Staff and Leadership Team members rotate through “Patrol” and “Administrator On Duty” each evening.  Patrol walks the sidewalk by the cabins ensuring campers are in bed and sleeping.  The Administrator On Duty posts in the office in case of emergency.

From 10pm to Midnight, the Staff Room is open, and Staff can watch movies, check e-mail, and relax.  CITs also have limited Staff Room privileges.

Q: What is the camp technology policy?

The Camp Nicolet experience, as a Camper or Staff member, is “tech free.”

For Campers, this is defined as “phones remain at home” or are turned in to the camp office if brought for purposes of communication with parents during travel.  Campers are not allowed to have devices with cellular or WiFi signal in their possession while at camp.

For Staff, this is defined as phones and electronic devices are used out of the sight and earshot of Campers.  Staff do use phones for in-season communication using a Staff WhatsApp group.  This must be done with discretion, as not to create a double-standard with Campers.

Employees using devices in front of Campers or with Campers receive a warning and are reminded of camp’s policy.  Repeat violations result in further action and discussion with the Leadership Team & Camp Director.

Q: Are we allowed to have snacks at camp?

Staff may purchase snacks and drinks for themselves, but such items are kept in the Staff Room in sealed containers. Food and drink is not allowed in cabins, as our location in the North Woods is a prime spot for critters. They love to eat your snacks (as much as you do)!

Q: My bank is back home; does Camp Nicolet offer direct deposit?

Camp Nicolet offers paychecks in paper and Direct Deposit form.

Direct Deposit is available for domestic Staff members only.

International Staff are given the opportunity to cash check in town at camp’s local bank on time off, and can wire money home to personal accounts.

Camp Nicolet doesn’t charge for Direct Deposit.  The local bank does charge a Wire Transfer fee, but nothing to cash International Staff member paychecks.

Q: How often am I paid during the summer?

You are paid by check or Direct Deposit on roughly the 1st and 15th of each month.  Payday often depends on how weekends correspond with the monthly calendar.

Q: Am I required to have my COVID-19 vaccine?

Camp Nicolet strongly suggests all employees and Campers be vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus.  However, if you have extenuating circumstances, please contact the Camp Director for additional information.

If you would like to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine or a booster while at camp this summer, we will happily make arrangements with the local pharmacy to get you a vaccination appointment – if you choose.

Q: What else should I know about working at Camp Nicolet?

Working at camp is challenging, but it’s really fun and you make a big, positive difference in the lives of many when you are a Staff Member.

If you would like more information, please contact Jeremy Starz, Owner & Camp Director, at 608.469.3091 or

Annually, we release a “Staff Fast Facts” document that outlines many additional nuances of this unique summer job.  A copy of this document is e-mailed to you when you inquire.

Q: Is there cell service and WiFi at camp?

Indeed there is.  In 2022, AT&T built a wireless tower somewhat close to the camp property which now provides us with excellent cellular and wireless broadband coverage.

Camp Nicolet itself does not provide WiFi to Staff members.  Our office does have a network, but too many users causes it to be non-functional for business purposes.

With the construction of the AT&T tower, we recommend all employees have an AT&T compatible device, service, or SIM card.  Check with your current carrier for details.  Connectivity to WiFi and cellular will be on your own while you’re at Camp Nicolet.

“Having moved around quite a bit in my life, Camp Nicolet has always felt like my one true home. The lifelong friendships and bonds of sisterhood are ones that neither time nor distance have diminished.” – Camp Nicolet Alumna

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