Request information about Camp Nicolet!
Eagle River, Wisconsin

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Where is Camp Nicolet?

Camp Nicolet is located outside of Eagle River, Wisconsin within the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. Eagle River is approximately seven hours north of Chicago. Bus transportation is provided from the Chicago and Milwaukee areas.

Travel Directions »

Q: How many campers are there?

Camp has a capacity of 95 campers per session. East End campers range in age from 7-10; West End campers are between the ages of 11-14.  Senior, or Leadership Program, campers are ages 15-17.

Q: Where do campers come from?

Nicolet campers come from all over the world. They represent most every area of the United States, as well as countries such as Mexico, Germany, Russia, Spain, and France.

Q: What is cabin life like?

Camper cabins house 8-12 campers and 2-3 counselors each. They are fully equipped with bunkbeds, dressers/drawers, a table and chairs, a fireplace, a screen porch, and a bathroom with sink and toilet. Showers are taken in our nearby shower house facility.

Each camper can request “bunk mates” on the registration form. We do our best to honor these requests. In encouraging age-appropriate interactions and placement with others who are at similar developmental stages, campers are typically placed in cabins by “grade completed.”

Check out Cabin Life »

Q: Where do staff come from? How are they hired? Do you do background checks? What kinds of certifications do they hold?

Staff also come from all over the world. While most of our staff live stateside, approximately 25% come to us internationally from places like Ireland, Hungary, New Zealand, Australia, and more. Our counselors and activity instructors are typically between the ages of 18 and 24, are attending or have graduated from college, and have experience and a passion for working with children. Throughout the recruitment process, applicants are thoroughly interviewed and references are checked. Each member of our staff team is also fully background checked on the local, state, and national levels. International staff members are fully vetted through their Visa sponsor with international background checks as well.

All staff members responsible for the daily care of campers are certified in First Aid/CPR/AED. Waterfront staff have their American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguard certification. Water Skiing staff are USA Water Ski Level 1 Instructor certified. A registered nurse is on-site, and our Northpoint Adventures director is certified in Wilderness First Aid.

Meet the Staff »

Q: What activities are offered at Nicolet?

A camper’s activity schedule consists of “core” and “elective” activities.  Nicolet’s core activities include Water Skiing & Wakeboarding, Horseback Riding (optional), Swimming, Smallcraft (sailing, canoeing, stand-up-paddling, windsurfing), Sports (of all kinds), Tennis, and Arts & Crafts.  Additionally, a visit to the Canteen (camp store) and Showers are scheduled into a camper’s core activities three times each week.

Nicolet also offers a wide variety of “elective” activities – some traditional to camp, and some based on the talents and interests of the Staff specific to the summer at hand.  While campers attend most core activities by ability level (beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert), electives are chosen by campers during “sign ups” once per week.

Campers receive a personalized schedule when they arrive, indicating their core activity hours.  They’re able to “fill in the blanks” with electives.  Such include mountain biking, trampball, archery, podcasting, mad scientist, newsletter, creative writing, stable management, and musical theatre.

Nicolet also offers a variety of wilderness trips, ranging in difficulty from beginner canoe trips to top-level alpine backpacking.  This program is called Northpoint Adventures, and Nicolet campers enjoy participating in NPA trips summer after summer, most all of which are included in tuition.

View the Activities Page »

Q: Do we have to pay extra for some activities?

All activities, including three Water Skiing & Wakeboarding activities per week, three Horseback Riding lessons per week, and most all Northpoint Adventures trips are included in camp tuition. Your camper may opt to double the amount of Water Skiing and Horseback Riding activities to six hours per week for additional fees.  Semi-private wakeboarding lessons, utilizing a dedicated wakeboard boat and a USA Water Ski Level 2 coach, are available each week for an additional fee.  Camp Nicolet, however, works to make tuition as all-inclusive as possible.

Q: Is Camp Nicolet a competitive camp?

Activities are designed for campers to progress at their own pace and support one another while doing so. The opportunity for competition exists through elective team sports and inter-camp basketball & soccer matches. Campers may also elect to participate in the annual Tennis Tournament during the final weeks of camp.

Q: What are mealtimes like? Will my daughter get enough to eat? Are you able to accommodate special diets?

Campers and Staff eat together three times daily, with table assignments drawn at random each Monday and Thursday allowing campers the opportunity to sit with and meet new people. We serve buffet style and have a salad & fruit bar available at each meal. Camp’s Chef takes pride in providing well-balanced meals to ensure everyone has plenty of energy for the day. During mealtimes, campers have full decision on what they will eat and “having seconds” is quite popular.  Once per session we have special “Dining Hall Nights” hosted by a staff committee. These nights provide an opportunity for dressing up, trying special theme-related foods, and having some fun. Past dining hall nights have included the Camp Nicolet Haunted Mansion, Twin Night, and Fiesta.

At Camp Nicolet, we are able to accommodate special dietary needs, including nut-free, lactose-free, gluten-free, and vegetarian. Please help us to provide a well-rounded menu for your camper by disclosing these needs on the medical forms.

Learn More on the Food & Dining Page »

Q: My daughter’s birthday is during her time at camp. Do you do anything special to celebrate?

Having a birthday at camp is a special occasion! Your camper receives a special birthday sign crafted by her cabin counselors, a birthday cake (flavor combination of her choice), and camp’s traditional birthday song sung to her.

The party continues in the evening when she takes some of her cake back to the cabin to share with cabin mates.  We encourage parents to contact the camp office for approval to send a special care package and to set up a birthday phone call.

Q: Is there a required camp uniform?

The camp uniform consists of a Camp Nicolet Camper polo (in maize) from Lands’ End, khaki/tan shorts or pants, and white tennis shoes or sneakers.

Campers joining us for resident camp sessions are asked to purchase these items as they are worn for photo day, a weekly Vespers ceremony, or when traveling out of camp (excluding wilderness trips).

We have a selection of Camper polo shirts and camper jackets (from past seasons) which are available to loan to campers.  Please contact us if your daughter wishes to borrow either of these items from Nicolet.

Q: What is your technology policy?

Camp Nicolet is “tech-free.”

We believe that Campers (and Staff) benefit from time to disconnect from electronic devices in order to reconnect with ourselves and others face-to-face.  Campers may not bring electronic devices, including phones, laptops, tablets, video games, e-readers (Kindles), video cameras, or smart watches connected to cellular signal or the Internet.

Campers found with such items are asked to turn them into the office, where we will keep them safely until departure.  In an effort to lead by example, Staff are also not allowed use of the above items within earshot or sight of Campers.  We do allow digital cameras, as long as they are not able to connect to the Internet.

We allow the use if iPods or MP3 players for Campers who would like to use them while falling asleep.  Please contact the Camp Director for approval.  Such devices are used only while a Camper is in her bunk.

Q: Does my daughter need money at camp?

Though we do not recommend sending money, we understand that some campers are flying to camp and will need to have cash for travel days. Those participating in the Counselor-in-Training program will also have “days off” in which they travel to town and may want to bring money for food and entertainment. To help ensure safekeeping, all cash brought to camp is collected and stored in the office safe.

The Canteen is Nicolet’s camp store.  Campers visit canteen three times per week as a cabin and have the opportunity to purchase Nicolet clothing and sundries like post cards, stamps, sunglasses, batteries, and sketch books. Prices range from less than $1 for stamps to $50 for clothing items.

Items purchased at the Canteen are charged to family accounts, and a final bill is sent to families at the close of the camp season, typically in late August.  If you would like to set a “budget” or “allowance” for your camper, please contact the office and ask to speak with a Leadership Team member.  It’s also worth having a conversation with your daughter prior to arrival at camp, setting spending limit expectations.

Q: How often do you post photos and news/updates from camp?

We work to post photos from camp and update our social channels as often as possible during the summer season.  Posts during the winter are less-frequent, but we at camp appreciate staying connected with camp families and alumni!

Realistically, photos are posted to MY CAMP ACCOUNT (accessible on the HOME page of, upper right menu bar) three times per week.

Camp Nicolet offers a number of ways to stay connected, year-round:

  • Download the Campanion app (for iOS and Android).  Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play and search “Campanion.”  This powerful app places photos and updates from Camp Nicolet in the palm of your hand.  Do you have multiple children attending multiple camps?  Chances are, Campanion may integrate with other camps as well.
  • Legacy photos from our former SmugMug account now appear in the Photos section of MY CAMP ACCOUNT.  If you still hold the most recent SmugMug password, you are still able access photos from 2017 through 2022.  2023 and newer photos (and 2016 and older photos) all appear in MY CAMP ACCOUNT when you log in and navigate to Photos.
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter: @campnicolet
  • Instagram:

If your camper would like to maintain contact with a favorite counselor or staff member, we encourage good old-fashioned letter writing.  Camp Nicolet Staff are not allowed to interact with Campers under the age of 18 on social media channels.

If you have any questions about Camp Nicolet’s Campanion app or social media channel content, please contact the office anytime!

Q: May I visit my daughter(s) while camp is in session?

Despite the wane of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Parent Visitation at Camp Nicolet remains suspended until future seasons.

Working to keep the virus out of the camp community continues to be one of Camp Nicolet’s operational goals.

Our Leadership Team is open to maintaining connections between Campers and parents.  If you wish to discuss any special circumstances with us, please contact the Camp Director.

Visitation & Contact»

“Everyone was so kind and attentive. I enjoyed getting the letters and seeing the excitement in our daughters handwriting. She survived without her phone! We have camp as a reference now, as we remind her of how much she accomplished without devices or streaming media”

– Parent of Camper

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