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Eagle River, Wisconsin

Leadership Program

Be a peer leader

Campers ages 15 through 17 learn leadership skills and gain hands-on experience through participation in Camp Nicolet’s progressive, multi-year Leadership Program.  Although campers may begin participation at any time (at age 15 or completed 9th grade), the complete program is comprised of three summers: Advanced Camper at age 15, Counselor In Training (Year 1) at age 16, and Counselor In Training (Year 2) at age 17. Those who complete the Leadership Program are eligible to return as a Nicolet Staff member at age 18.

During these summers, campers participate in activities they love, can choose to assist with instructional activities, challenge themselves on top-level Northpoint Adventures trips (included in tuition), work with a Staff committee to plan special activities, and assist with younger camper cabins. Additionally, leadership skill development discussions are facilitated by a dedicated Leadership Program Advisor & mentor.  These discussions help with making the transition from camper to Staff member.  Experience gained throughout this essay-worthy program prepares participants for future summers working at Nicolet, as well as for jobs and internships during college and beyond.

a progression

Advanced Campers – age 15 or completed 9th grade

Activities & excitement include:

  • Wake the entire camp with pots & pans on the 4th of July
  • Participate in the annual “AC Balloon Pop” on the 4th of July (an AC exclusive!)
  • Generally are campers who optionally participate in the Isle Royale Backpacking trip (for campers ages 14+)
  • Optionally participate in the Peshtigo River Whitewater Rafting day trip (for campers ages 14+)
  • Have a customizable in-camp activity schedule, including access to Advanced Water Skiing
  • Participate as a cabin group in weekly Wednesday cookouts

Leadership Opportunities include:

  • Assist Staff members at Dining Hall tables
  • Are captains for the Red, White, & Blue relay teams on the 4th of July
  • Assist a CIT with “cabin-sitting” responsibilities (during Staff Meetings, etc.)
  • Lead fun songs in the Dining Hall after lunch or dinner

Advanced Campers take the first steps in the Leadership Program towards becoming Nicolet Staff one day!  Have fun this summer while taking inititiative and challenging yourself.

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Counselor In Training (Year 1) – age 16 or completed 10th grade

  • Enroll in the Session of your choice
  • Reside in Chickadee, the newest cabin, with two Leadership Program (CIT) counselors
  • Have a dedicated CIT Advisor/mentor who facilitates group discussion & processing
  • Are positive role models for peers and younger campers

Activities & Excitement include:

  • Have a customizable in-camp activity schedule, including access to Advanced Water Skiing
  • May choose to participate in up to four instructional activities, plus electives, per day
  • Optionally participate in the Isle Royale Backpacking trip (for campers ages 14+)
  • Generally are campers who optionally participate in the Voyageurs Wilderness Canoe trip (for campers ages 15+)
  • Participate in the Camp Manito-Wish Leadership Day & ropes course experience (a CIT exclusive!)
  • Make a presentation on the CIT experience at Final Banquet (Session II)
  • Participate in group discussion & processing about the CIT experience, lead by an advisor/mentor

Leadership Opportunities include:

  • May choose to help Staff teach or facilitate up to two instructional activities per day for campers**
  • May choose to help Staff teach or facilitate 5th Hour and Evening Elective activities**
  • Work with the Weekend/Rainy Day committee to help facilitate 4th of July team relays
  • Emcee camper and Staff Talent Shows
  • Act as team captains for all-camp activities, as requested
  • Assist with “cabin-sitting” responsibilities (during Staff Meetings, etc.)
  • Assist supervising Dining Hall tables, as requested
  • Lead fun songs in the Dining Hall after lunch or dinner
  • Assist cabin counselors on a rotating basis, to learn supervisory skills and group dynamics

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Counselor In Training (Year 2) – age 17 or completed 11th grade

  • Enroll in the Session of your choice
  • Reside in Chickadee or Lakewood, with two Leadership Program (CIT) counselors
  • Have a dedicated CIT Advisor/mentor who facilitates group discussion & processing
  • Are positive role models for peers and younger campers

Activities & Excitement include:

  • All of the activity aspects noted for CIT-1 campers become available, plus:
  • Generally are campers who optionally participate in the Rocky Mountain Backpacking trip (for campers ages 16+)
  • Work in collaboration on a special CIT Project, which is presented at Final Banquet (Session II)
  • Enjoy a special CIT-2 out-of-camp experience/day trip (a CIT-2 exclusive!)

Leadership Opportunities include:

  • All of the leadership aspects noted for CIT-1 campers become available, plus:
  • May choose to help Staff teach or facilitate up to three instructional activities per day for campers**
  • May choose to help Staff teach or facilitate 5th Hour and Evening Elective activities**
  • Receive enhanced training related to being part of the Staff Team in a future summer
  • Assist on a Staff Committee – like Campfire, Dining Hall, Vespers, or Weekend/Rainy Day
  • Act as a tour guide for parents/families or visitors from other camps, as requested

**Choosing to help Staff members teach or facilitate elective & core instructional activities for campers is encouraged, but not required.  We realize some Counselors In Training desire a more “camper-like” experience, while others desire one in which more leadership opportunities and the ability to take initiative exists.  We work individually with Camp Nicolet’s Leadership Program participants to craft an experience which is enjoyable and worthwhile.  Please reach out to Jeremy Starz, Owner/Director, if you have additional questions or would like to discuss the customizable nature of the Leadership Program.

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Counselor In Training Perks – Both Summers

  • Access to the Staff Room after evening activities until 11pm (Monday through Saturday)
  • Enjoy one chaperoned evening off per week in Eagle River, Wisconsin (5:45pm until 11pm) – transportation provided
  • Option to stay overnight out of camp with family for one night, when parents are visiting

Even more amazing camp memories are made when you participate in Camp Nicolet’s Leadership Program.  If you wish to work at camp (ages 18+), you’ll have the advantage of experience!  We facilitate an environment where today’s youth learn to assist, demonstrate, mentor, organize, self-advocate, and take initiative.  Learn and grow with us!

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“Every time the name Camp Nicolet comes into my mind, it brings me nothing but happiness. Camp is a place that transformed me and the kids I worked with, in such a positive and life changing way. Nicolet is a place that has left a forever mark on my heart, and will always bring a smile to my face. Thank you for everything.” – Nicolet Staff Member

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