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Eagle River, Wisconsin

2019 – Our 75th Summer!

The nights are getting cooler… the leaves are turning vibrant colors… and each morning, mist rises as Franklin Lake cools subject to cold September nights.  There is no doubt, autumn is in the air in the North Woods, but with the changing of the seasons comes new excitement for 2019 and a fantastic 75th Anniversary summer to come!

hanging out in hammocks      girls smiling for the camera

Camp Nicolet was founded in the Fall of 1944, when school teachers Ann and Wendall Schrader ventured to the North Woods and purchased the then-bass fishing camp from Carrie “Shorty” Fournier, who was discriminating in regard to whom the property would be sold (she wanted just the right buyers) and for what would the property be used?  When Ann and Wendall pitched the idea of turning her fishing camp into a summer camp for girls, to help young women learn and grow through experiences in the out-of-doors, Shorty whole-heartedly agreed to sell to the Schraders.

And so a dream was born.  A dream that carries into the present day and has affected thousands of young women (and some young men) who have passed through the front gates of Camp Nicolet.  We’re excited for our 75th season; recognizing our roots, embracing our traditions, and welcoming back friends and alumni while continuing to be innovative and progressive with our programming and camp culture.  Our mission today remains the same as it did in 1944 – fostering confidence, personal growth, and the development of lifetime skills for young women through participation in our Camp Nicolet activities and Northpoint Adventures programs.

Please see our Sessions & Rates page ( for 2019 information.  Also, if you’re an alum and would like to spend a few more days with Nicolet sand between your toes, please join us for the 75th Anniversary Celebration at camp at the close of the summer!  See the informational page ( for complete details.

As a camper or alumni, we hope to see you at Camp Nicolet this summer!

Thinking Sunshine,
Jeremy & Georgi Starz – Camp Nicolet Owners



“Camp Nicolet was a place where I found peace, affection and respect. where equality always existed and where I learned the true meaning of family. Forever the best experience in the world.” – Camp Nicolet International Staff Member

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