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Paying It Forward

The Value of Camperships: Paying It Forward
By Georgianna Schrader Starz & Bebe Sullivan
Edited by Jeremy Starz – February 2024

During the 2023 camp season, the Camp Nicolet Foundation awarded $79,050 USD of Camperships to deserving young women.  Every year numerous families apply for financial aid, giving their daughters a lasting experience of summer camp.  Because of your support, the Foundation is able to give these girls the same opportunity that many of us familiar with camp hold so dearly.

It is heartwarming to watch these youngsters grow into mature women, following their dreams and growing their careers.  They have become artists, actresses, professional women, and Best Moms Ever… drawing from experiences and growth gained at Camp Nicolet.

I asked young alum Bebe Sullivan to relay some of her thoughts about 10 summers spent at Nicolet.  Bebe was the recipient of the Water Skiing Award in 2012, the Swimming Award in 2014, and the Christopher Starz Leadership Award in 2015.  She completed the Rocky Mountain Backpacking trip through Northpoint Adventures in 2016.  She is currently an Ensign in the US Navy serving in the South Pacific.  Recently she was deployed for six months on a guided missile destroyer.  Here is Bebe’s story:

Bebe - Camp Nicolet

“Camp Nicolet gave me the best 10 summers of my life.  Camp comes up at least once a day in conversation.  It is my happy place.  My home away from home.  But it gave me much more than fun filled summers.  Camp Nicolet is the reason I am where I am today.

I learned how to push past my fears, think outside the box, and to stand up for myself and those around me.  Between Northpoint trips and trying new activities that scared me or that I had never tried before, I learned that you can do anything you set your mind to.  Now my favorite hobbies are hiking and water skiing, which I begged my mom to tell Georgi I couldn’t ski for about 4 summers.  I credit Camp Nicolet and Northpoint Adventures with molding me into the woman I am today.

Camp helped me go from a little girl afraid of a one night sleepover to a United States Naval Officer.  I would not be where I am today if not for Camp Nicolet.  I will always be grateful for what I was able to take away from camp and will continue to tell everyone where I came from: Camp Nicolet.”

CAS Award - Camp Nicolet

Above: Bebe receives the Christopher Starz Leadership Award at Final Banquet during summer 2015.

Learn more about the Camp Nicolet Foundation and how this registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization makes the camp experience possible for deserving young women, summer after summer.

Donate to the Ann & Wendall Schrader Campership Fund >>

Donate to the Christopher Starz Leadership Memorial Fund >>


“As a preteen who struggled to find her place in school— I absolutely flourished at camp and was forever changed. Camp Nicolet helped me discover who I was and how powerful one girl could become.” – Camp Nicolet Alumna

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