Request information about Camp Nicolet!
Eagle River, Wisconsin

Refunds & Donations – 6.23.20

Dear Nicolet Families –

Jeremy Starz, Owner & Director of Operations here from Camp Nicolet.

In the wake of postponing all regular Camp Sessions until 2021, it continues to be an emotionally challenging time for us at camp.  We are very excited for our Northpoint Ski & Wakeboard Camp session this summer, and the three weeks of Cabin Rental & Family Camp programming we’re able to offer amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.  Northpoint Adventures trippers also eagerly await a late-July trip to Colorado, continuing the five-year tradition of Rocky Mountain Backpacking.  While we are excited for what’s in store this summer and sharing good times with a handful of campers and valued families on the sandy shores of Franklin Lake, it remains a certainty that nothing replaces the magic of a regular summer at camp.

This past Sunday marked “Opening Day” if the summer went as originally planned.  Tonight would be the first round of Tuesday Evening elective activities.  Each passing day I’m reminded of the true loss that is not having regular camp this summer.  I feel for your family; I feel for your kids who I know looked forward to camp this season.  I’m sorry that because of COVID-19 we chose to postpone camp this summer.  I hope with all of my heart the pandemic is a distant memory by next spring.  Camp is counting on a regular season next year.  Camp Nicolet continues to count on you, as you count on us!

Many of you reached out and let us know your preference to have 2020 tuition either refunded or applied to the 2021 season.  Thank you; if you’ve contacted us.  There are still a handful of families who have not e-mailed at to let us know your credit or refund preference.  Please do this as soon as possible so that we may financially plan accordingly.  I’m now charged with the task of redeveloping our 2020 and 2021 operating budgets, and your credit or refund decision plays a significant role.

We’re working to refund families who have requested such as quickly as possible.  Depending on when you e-mailed us your credit or refund preference, you may experience a delay of up to two to three weeks from now in receiving a refund.  For that, I sincerely apologize.  We are working to make sure, during these difficult financial times, that funds are available to return to you.  As Camp Nicolet is a private camp, solely relying on camper tuitions to fund the annual budget & off-season operation, making as many refunds as have been requested in the amount of multiple summer tuitions is turning out to be a very challenging task.

We are working with our local financial institution & advisors to secure funds to return to our valued families.  Perhaps sharing this is too much information; or it’s commonly bad business practice to admit this.  But this is the strange and unprecedented situation we’re in right now, and honesty is always my policy.  For those experiencing delays in refunds while finances are secured; you have my sincere apologies.  We know these are challenging times for you as well – some have been furloughed or lost jobs all together.  The effects of the pandemic are far-reaching.  We continue to do our very best to provide good care and service to our Nicolet families.  A continued good relationship with you is very important to us, now and always.  We’re doing our best – thank you for your continued patience.

In the coming weeks, we’re launching a Fundraising Campaign to “Bridge the Gap” between 2020 and 2022 (yes, you read correctly: 2022 – there are lots of “IOUs” in the jar for 2021).  The multi-season financial impact COVID-19 is having on camps across the Midwest is significant.  Camp Nicolet is not alone in this matter.  I send a simple message today; please consider making a donation to Camp Nicolet’s general operating budget at this time.

Your contribution counts directly toward day-to-day operations over the next two years.  You’ll help keep the lights on (and the stoves lit), pay insurance premiums, meet property tax obligations, and fund the seasonal and year-round payrolls.  Your contribution helps make repairs to infrastructure, critical to the safe operation of the camp – regardless if it’s full-summer programming or weekly cabin rentals.  We appreciate your support of Camp Nicolet and your contribution helps “Bridge the Gap” to better days ahead.

Please contact (Georgi) or (Jeremy) to make your donation today.

Thank you kindly for your continued patience as we work to credit and refund our Nicolet families, and please know we’re always a phone call away.  On behalf of Georgi Starz, Executive Director, and Mary Anna Thornton, Camp Director, and our entire team at Camp Nicolet, I wish you the best and look forward to talking with you again soon!

Jeremy Starz – Owner & Director of Operations
608.469.3091 – Direct


“The fact that you are able to slow these girls down, detach them from their electronics, and show them all that Nicolet has to offer is amazing to me and very lucky for them. You have not only kept the very special legacy of Nicolet going, but you have added to and changed camp in such a way that you have kept it relevant to this next generation. Thank you for that.” – Camp Nicolet Parent/Alumna

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