Request information about Camp Nicolet!
Eagle River, Wisconsin

Ski Camp & Cabin Rental – 6.12.20

Download: 2020 Program Calendar – Ski Camp & Cabin Rentals

Hello from Camp Nicolet and Northpoint Adventures!

While it’s been a difficult week for us in light of the decision to postpone 2020 Sessions II and III due to COVID-19 and associated logistical challenges, we’re focusing on brighter days ahead and are pleased to announce specifics regarding Camp Nicolet’s finalized programming this summer.  Above, please find a downloadable PDF calendar outlining operating dates and specifying the three weeks cabin rentals are available to camp families and Family Campers.

For complete information regarding 2020 Cabin Rental at camp and our traditional Family Camp program, please visit

Once again, on behalf of our entire Leadership Team, I personally apologize for the disappointment our decision to postpone regular camp programming this summer may be causing your family.  We deeply regret making this decision, but feel it’s the best choice in the spirit of realistically delivering on Camp Nicolet’s high standards of safety and program quality, and in protecting the overall health and safety of our camp community.  We are able to run limited programming safely because of the smaller number of people involved.

We’re standing by in the office from 10am to 1pm, Monday through Friday; or please reach out at if you have additional questions or would like to talk with us more.  Families planning to attend camp in 2020; if you have not yet requested a credit for 2021 or a refund, please contact us at your earliest convenience so we may finalize those arrangements.  Thank you in advance!

Think Sunshine!

Jeremy Starz – Owner/Director of Operations

715.545.2522 – Camp Nicolet office


“As a preteen who struggled to find her place in school— I absolutely flourished at camp and was forever changed. Camp Nicolet helped me discover who I was and how powerful one girl could become.” – Camp Nicolet Alumna

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