Hello Camp Families and Friends! This past weekend we had the pleasure of spending time with many current families, alumni, and prospective campers at the Camp Nicolet Midwest Open House in Winnetka, IL and it was AWESOME! We got to (…)
So, you’ve been a camper or staff member before, whether it’s been 72 years or 2, and you want a way to maintain those connections to the place you fell in love with as a child or young adult. The place (…)
As the holiday season approaches, I’ve been thinking a lot about the many things for which I am thankful. The list seems a bit never-ending sometimes. There are the obvious – Lex, family, friends, my health, food on the table, (…)
Have you all heard about REI’s new campaign, #optoutside? The retailer has decided to close their stores on Black Friday in order to give their employees time to head outside with their families and friends. And they’re even paying (…)